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January 2013

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Seminar

Exploration for Human Capital: Theory and Evidence from the MBA Labor Market
Camelia M. Kuhnen, Associate Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University,
Thursday, January 10th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Behavioral Social Neuroscience Seminar

Asymmetric Learning from Financial Information
Camelia M. Kuhnen, Associate Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University,
Monday, January 14th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Computation and Neural Systems Seminar

Lee E. Miller, Professor in Physiology/Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neuroscience, Northwestern University,
Tuesday, January 15th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Seminar

The Market for OTC Credit Derivatives (joint with Andy Atkeson and Andrea Eisfeldt)
Pierre-Olivier Weill, Associate Professor of Economics, UCLA,
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Social Science Job Candidate Seminar

Information Revelation in Competitions with Common and Private Values
Xu Tan, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics, Stanford University,
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Social Science Job Candidate Seminar

Strategic Learning and the Topology of Social Networks (Joint work with Elchanan Mossel and Allan Sly)
Omer Tamuz, Ph.D. Candidate, Weizmann Institute, Israel,
Thursday, January 24th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Social Science Job Candidate Seminar

Optimal Stopping with Private Information (joint work with Thomas Kruse)
Phillip Strack, Ph.D Candidate in Mathematics and Economics, Bonn Graduate School of Economics,
Friday, January 25th, 2013
7:30pm 9:00pm
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German Film

Lila, Lila
Alain Gsponer, Director,
Monday, January 28th, 2013
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Computation and Neural Systems Seminar

Neuronal Mechanisms of Visual Categorization and Decision Making
David Freeman, Ph.D., Neurobiology, The University of Chicago,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Social Science Job Candidate Seminar

Bargaining with Asymmetric Information: an Empirical Study of Plea Negotiations
Bernardo S. da Silveira, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics, New York University,
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
8:00pm 10:00pm
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Earnest C. Watson Lecture

For Love or Money: Marriage and Economic Development in the Past
Tracy K. Dennison, Professor of Social Science History, Caltech,