Recent HSS Senior Theses
Thinking Queerness and Forming Intimacies: Understanding Identity, Relationships, and Queerness in South Asian Diasporic Contemporary Literature, 1981–2022
Limning Asian American Literature with Social Generationality: Violence and Subversion
'It's Our War Too': Barriers to Authorship by Women Writing Vietnam War Poetry
Who's Chinatown, Whose Chinatown? Visions of Urban Progress in Los Angeles Chinatown, 1970-2020
Surveying Notions of Queer Asian American Community Through Literature: 1972–1998
Controlling the Female Body: Obsession and Loss of Autonomy in Lolita and 'Berenice'
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Love? True Love, Passionate Love, and Pining in the Short Fiction of Raymond Carver and Tobias Wolff
Navigating the Temporal Landscape of Trauma
Charles the Bald: the Story of an Epithet
Fifty Years of Dividing Lines: From Selma and Montgomery, 1965 to Ferguson, 2015
The Evolution of Dragons: From Living Serpents to Mythical Beasts
Caught in the Middle: Homosexual Guilt, Liminality, and the role of the 'Novel of Identification' in Post-World War, Pre-Stonewall America
Town Meeting: A Representative but Non-Sovereign Institution
The Gun Wa Trials: Chinese Doctors, Narrative Advertisement, and Consumer Fraud in the Late Nineteenth Century American West
What Makes a Narrative? Understanding the Portrayals of Hermenegild's Rebellion
A Case for Ecclesiastical Minting of Anglo-Viking Coins
Chaucer the Beginner: Imagining Chaucer's Creative Process in Creating "Book of the Duchess"