Jenijoy La Belle
Jenijoy La Belle's publications concentrated in three areas: William Blake's pictorial works, issues of ideality and physicality in Shakespeare's plays, and issues of identity and physical appearance in 19th- and 20th-century texts about women.
During the 1997-98 academic year, she co-taught a course with Shirley Marneus, former director of TACIT (Theatre Arts at Caltech), which centered on Shakespeare's Henry V. After that, they conducted similar classes on seven other plays, including Richard III, The Merchant of Venice, and Othello. Unlike most academic courses on Shakespeare, these classes stressed the plays as stage performance and incorporated into the course TACIT's production of each play. From this hands-on involvement with both teaching and stage production, La Belle's research evolved towards some new perspectives on Shakespeare's theatricality.
Selected Publications
- Herself Beheld: The Literature of the Looking Glass. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1988.
- The Echoing Wood of Theodore Roethke. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1976.
- Co-author with Robert N. Essick, Night Thoughts or the Complaint and the Consolation Illustrated by William Blake. New York, Dover Press; Toronto, General Publishing Company; London, Constable and Company, 1975. Reprinted, 1996.
- Co-author with Robert N. Essick, Flaxman's Illustrations to Homer. New York, Dover Press; Toronto, General Publishing Company, London, Constable and Company, 1977.