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Catherine Jurca
  • Professor of English and Visual Culture

Catherine Jurca

We live in a world of images and screens, and visual literacy is an important part of being an educated, thoughtful person in the world."

Jocelyn Holland
  • Professor of Comparative Literature

Jocelyn Holland

The humanities have the practical function of giving students something they wouldn't otherwise have. The humanities classroom is a space where they can take a step back from their scientific work and learn to think about the world in a different way."

Warren Brown
  • Professor of History

Warren C. Brown

In my classes, students learn the craft of the medieval historian: to read closely the often difficult primary sources from medieval Europe; push past but also take into account their perspectives, assumptions, and biases, as much as possible; and to assemble what they have learned into persuasive written arguments."

Ralph Adolphs
  • Bren Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Biology

Ralph Adolphs

Caltech's small size really fosters interdisciplinary science. I exchange ideas with people from different fields when walking between my lab and my office, and I often run late to lunch at the Athenaeum because I catch up with so many students and faculty who I run into along the way."