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Colin Camerer
  • Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Economics; T&C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience Leadership Chair; Director, T&C Chen Center for Social and Decision Neuroscience

Colin F. Camerer

One of the hallmarks of Caltech's HSS division, besides scientific excellence, is that people here wander and end up working on things in very unusual combinations."

Joseph Root headshot
  • Linde Postdoctoral Scholar in Economics (2020–21)

Joseph Root

The faculty and the research environment at Caltech are unique. It’s a place where people tackle the most challenging problems, crossing the traditional boundaries between disciplines to do so."

Ke Shi headshot
  • Social Sciences Graduate Student

Ke Shi

I came to Caltech because I was drawn to its unique and rigorous social sciences program. I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful campus and the tight-knit community after I arrived."

Visualization headshot for Brian Jacobson
  • Professor of Visual Culture

Brian R. Jacobson

There’s no better place to work on questions about the intersection between art, aesthetics, science, and technology than at Caltech, where students, faculty, scientists, and engineers are working on visual culture all the time—just in a way that we don’t necessarily always think of as visual culture."

Peter Doe headshot 2021
  • Social Sciences Graduate Student

Peter Doe

After speaking with one of the students in the social sciences PhD program, I saw Caltech as a place where the faculty would invest in me as a student, rather than try to get things out of me."

Alejandro Robinson Cortes headshot
  • PhD '20, Social Sciences

Alejandro Robinson-Cortés

Caltech is a unique place. Characterized by its focus on theoretical reasoning and rigorous methods. And located at the heart of the lovely and multicultural San Gabriel Valley. It’s a tough combination to beat."