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William and Myrtle Harris Distinguished Lectureship in Science and Civilization
William and Myrtle Harris Distinguished Lectureship in Science and Civilization
The William and Myrtle Harris Distinguished Lectures in Science and Civilization started in 1996, thanks to the endowment established by William Harris, a BS '49 and MS '50 Caltech alumnus in Mechanical Engineering, and his wife, an alumna of Occidental College and Stanford. The Harris Lectures enable the history and philosophy of science program to bring to campus distinguished scientists, historians, philosophers, and other analysts of science to address concerns of mutual interest—especially their ethical implications—across the intellectual spectrum. Below is a list of all Harris Lecturers to date, including, when available, a link to the podcast or video of the lecture.
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Past Events

Donors Myrtle and William Harris, BS '49, MS '50
02/17/2023 | From Fukushima to Hiroshima: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Eight Decades of Living with Nuclear Technology [Video] |
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent 1 Soraya Boudia 2 Kyoko Sato 3 Joseph E. Shepherd 4 |
1 Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (Emeritus), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University 2 Professor of Science, Technology and Society, Paris Cité University 3 Associate Director of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society, Stanford University 4 C. L. "Kelly" Johnson Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering, Caltech |
05/05/2022 | Engineering Fidelity: Early Radio and the Trautonium in Berlin in the 1920s and '30s [Video] | Myles W. Jackson | Albers-Schönberg Professor in the History of Science, Institute for Advanced Study |
05/25/2021 | Fighting the First Wave [Video] | Peter Baldwin | Global Distinguished Professor, NYU; Professor of History, UCLA |
04/14/2021 | Rich Rocks, the Climate Crisis, and the Tech Imperium [Video] | Sophia Kalantzakos | Visiting Fellow in the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology (2020-2021), Caltech; Global Distinguished Professor in Environmental Studies and Public Policy, New York University |
11/12/2020 | Ideal and Illusion: The Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla [Video] | W. Bernard Carlson | Joseph L. Vaughan Professor of Humanities; Chair, Engineering and Society Department; Professor of History, University of Virginia |
2/27/2020 | Lies and Truth in the History of Science [Video] | Alberto A. Martínez | Associate Professor, Department of History, The University of Texas at Austin |
5/20/2019 | Leonardo da Vinci: History of the Earth and the Fate of Man | Paolo Galluzzi | Moore Distinguished Scholar, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Caltech; Historian of Science, Director of the Galileo Museum, Florence, Italy |
12/7/2018 | The Anatomy of Artificial Intelligence | Kate Crawford | Co-Founder and Co-Director of the AI Now Institute at NYU; Distinguished Research Professor at New York University; Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New York |
5/17/2018 | Science vs. Intuition: Why Scientific Ideas Elude the Human Mind [Video] | Andrew Shtulman | Cognitive Science; Psychology, Occidental College |
5/18/2017 | Containment Film Screening, Intro and Q&A with film creators [Video] |
Peter Galison 1 Robb Moss 2 |
1 Joseph Pellegrino University Professor, Harvard University 2 Chair, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University |
4/13/2016 | Empirical Research on Research and the Reproducibility Crisis [Video] | John P.A. Ioannidis | C.F. Rehnborg Professor in Disease Prevention, Professor of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University |
5/21/2015 | Alan Turing: An Individual of the Twentieth Century [Video] | Andrew Hodges | Senior Research Fellow and Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics at Wadham College, University of Oxford |
2/4/2015 | The Knowledge Society as a Practical Utopia and its Hidden Impact on Higher Education [Video] | Liviu Matei | Provost and Pro-Rector; Professor in the Department of Public Policy, Central European University |
4/30/2014 | Cars and Civilization [Paper] |
Jesse H. Ausubel 1 Nebojsa Nakicenovic 2 |
1 Rockefeller University 2 Vienna University of Technology and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis |
5/21/2013 | Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts | Andrew Robinson | Author |
5/21/2012 | Big Science, 19th Century Style: Terrestrial Physics and the British Quest for the South Magnetic Pole | Edward J. Larson | University Professor and Hugh & Hazel Darling Chair in Law, Pepperdine University |
3/1/2012 | Archaeologies of Performance: Ritual Movement through Greek Sacred Space | Joan Breton Connelly | Professor of Classics, Art History; Director, NYU; Yeronisos Island Excavations, Cyprus, New York University |
3/8/2011 | The Apples of our Eyes: Art, Intellectual Property and American Fruits | Daniel J. Kevles | Stanley Woodward Professor of History, Yale University |
11/12/2010 | Walther Rathenau's Dilemma: Modernity and the Human Soul | Shulamit Volkov | Professor of Modern History, Tel Aviv University |
2/26/2010 | Manufacturing Memories | Elizabeth Loftus | Distinguished Professor of Social Ecology, Professor of Law and Cognitive Science, UC Irvine |
12/4/2009 | Did Darwin Write the Origin of Species Backwards? | Elliott Sober | Hans Reichenbach Professor and William Vilas Research Professor, Department of Philosophy University of Wisconsin, Madison |
5/18/2009 | The Religious Rise of Civilizations | Scott Atran | Director, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris |
3/6/2009 | From Professor to Crusader: Galileo Transformed by His Telescope | John S. Heilbron | Professor Emeritus of History and Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at UC Berkeley |
5/5/2008 | Commemorating Darwin: 1809, 1859, 2009 | Janet Browne | Aramont Professor of History of Science, Harvard University |
11/13/2007 | The Threat to the Planet: Dark and Bright Sides of Global Warming | James Hansen | NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York City |
5/14/2007 | Robert Hooke in the Round: Ingenious Scientist, Newton's Nemesis and a Most Disastrous Clerk | Lisa Jardine | Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London |
4/18/2007 | Watson, Crick and the Mushroom Cloud | Soraya de Chadarevian | Department of History and Center for Society and Ethics at UCLA |
2/1/2006 | Oppenheimer's Legacy: Science and Government in the Shadow of Nuclear Weapons | Martin J. Sherwin | Professor of History, Tufts University |
3/3/2005 | Is There a Neurophysiological Challenge to Freedom and Responsibility of Human Action? | Julian Nida-Rumelin | Professor of Philosophy at the University of Munich |
4/21/2004 | Science, Arms, The State: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the 20th Century | Daniel J. Kevles | Professor of History, Yale |
4/2/2004 | Human Dissection and Vivisection: Science, Religion and Politics in Early Greece | Heinrich von Staden | Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton |
4/17/2003 | Physics, Philosophy and the Foundations of Geometry: Einstein and the Logical Empiricists | Michael Friedman | Frederick P. Rhemus Family Professor of Humanities at Stanford University |
3/17/2003 | Creativity and the Brain | Oliver Sacks | Author |
4/4/2002 | Galileothek@: Information Technology and Research in the Humanities | Paolo Galluzzi | Director, Institute and Museum of History of Science, Professor of Science, University of Florence |
2/28/2002 | Einstein and the German Question | Fritz Stern | University Professor Emeritus, Columbia University |
10/22/2001 | Faustus and Friends: The Renaissnace Magus in Context | Anthony T. Grafton | Henry Putnam University Professor at Princeton University |
1/11/2001 | The Body as Product in the Biotechnology Age | Dorothy Nelkin | University Professor, Department of Sociology and School of Law New York University |
12/1/2000 | Poincare's Maps and Einstein's Clocks | Peter Galison | Professor of Science and Physics, Harvard University |
4/20/2000 | On Violence | Richard Rhodes | Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb |
1/21/2000 | From Virtual Pets to Digital Dolls: Reflections on Relational Artifacts | Sherry Turkle | Professor of the Sociology of Science, MIT |
10/22/1999 | The Scopes Trial in History and Legend | Edward J. Larson | Professor of History and Law, University of Georgia School of Law |
11/6/1998 | Biomedical Research: Public Investments and Public Expectations | Harold Varmus | Director, National Institute of Health |
5/21/1998 | Genetic Analysis of Breast and Ovarian Cancer | Mary-Claire King | American Cancer Society, Professor of Genetics and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle |
1/22/1998 | Counting Sheep: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Human Cloning | Alexander M. Capron | Professor of Law and Medicine; Co-Director Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics, University of Southern California |
11/6/1997 | Einstein in His Cultural Context | Gerald Holton | Professor of Physics and History of Science, Em, Harvard University |
4/18/1997 | Debate in the Republic of Science: Michael Polanyi and P.M.S. Blackett on Science and Its Social Ends | Mary Jo Nye | Horning Professor of the Humanities and Professor of History, Oregon State University |
2/6/1997 | Plagues and People: The Battle Against Infectious Disease | John Michael Bishop | Professor of Microbiology and Immunology: Director Hooper Foundation and Karl Friedrich Meyer Labs; UC, San Francisco |
10/11/1996 | Science after Modernity | Stephen E. Toulmin | Henry Luce Professor of the Center for Multiethnic and Transitional Studies, University of Southern California |
5/9/1996 | Epidemic Disease and Basic Reseach: Lessons from the Case of AIDS | Robert C. Gallo | Professor and Director of Human Virology, University of Maryland at Baltimore |