Social Sciences Brown Bag Seminar
Instead of simply looking for an average expert answer to a particular question, an ignorant planner wants to rank experts according to the quality of their knowledge. She knows nothing about the experts, and she has to design an universal mechanism, that would work for all possible distributions of expert types and the possible states of nature.
We prove that, if a given such mechanism results in an equilibrium in which it is optimal for all the experts to truthfully reveal their type, then, in that equilibrium they are necessarily ranked according to their posterior probabilities of the states of nature.
We identify natural conditions under which payoffs in equilibrium must be logarithmic functions of the posterior probabilities, even when those probabilities are not explicitly elicited by the mechanism. This provides a novel game-theoretic axiomatization of entropy. Logarithmic scoring can be implemented by the ignorant planner via the Bayesian Truth Serum algorithm of Prelec (2004), using simple inputs.