Institutions in Democracies
Caltech Alumni Conference In Honor of Gary Cox and Barry Weingast
November 11, 2011
25 Baxter
8:00am 6:00pm
Guest Speakers:
Gary Cox Sovereign debt, political stability and bargaining efficiency
Barry Weingast Democratization and Countermajoritarian Institutions: Power and Constitutional Design In Self-Enforcing Democracy
Jim Snyder Judicial Selection and the Quality of Judges
Christopher Hoag National Bank Window Dressing and the Call Loan Market, 1865-1872
Jon Eguia Origin of Parties: The United States Congress in 1789-1797 as a Test Case
Salvatore Nunnari Dynamic Legislative Bargaining with Veto Power
With Discussions by: Jean Laurent Rosenthal, John Ferejohn, Morgan Kousser, Elizabeth Penn, Roger Noll and Morris Fiorina
For more information, please contact Edith Quintanilla by phone at Ext. 3829 or by email at [email protected] or visit