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HSS Graduate Students' Third-Year Presentations

Monday, June 3, 2013
10:00am to 5:00pm
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Kyle Carlson:  "Red Alert: Prenatal Stress and Plans to Close Military Bases"

Matt Chao:  "Giving to Receive: Selfish Giving and Why It Works"

Jonathan Chapman:  "Death, Taxes and the Franchise: The Politics of Investment in Sanitary Infrastructure in England 1868-1885"

Khai Chiong:  "How Important is Network Structure:  A Revealed Preference Approach"

Geoff Fisher:  "Symmetry in Cold-to-Hot and Hot-to-Cold Valuation Gaps"

Jin Huang:  "Optimal Dynamic Contract for Electricity Procurement"

Matt Kovach:  "Cognitive Dissonance and Information"

Samantha Myers:  "The Size of the Pie and Who is Eating It"

Allyson Pellissier:  "Registration in the Digital Era"

Kirill Pogorelskiy:  "Correlated Equilibria in Voter Turnout Games"

Euncheol Shin:  "A Theory of Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation"



For more information, please contact Laurel Auchampaugh by phone at Ext. 4206 or by email at [email protected].