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HSS Classroom Collaborative

Monday, March 6, 2023
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Online and In-Person Event
Writing Assignment Design

Open to the Caltech community only.

In this event for HSS instructors, Hixon Writing Center Director Susanne Hall will offer guidance on designing writing assignments for students. Drawing from both research on college writing and her own experience, Dr. Hall will focus on three questions instructors might ask of any assignment they create: Will students understand what I want them to do? Is the writing task leading to the kind of learning I want to prioritize? Do students find this writing task meaningful? After the presentation, participants will be invited to ask questions and share approaches that have worked for them. We plan to have a follow-up Collaborative meeting in April when we will have more time for HSS faculty to share writing assignments that have worked well for them in recent terms.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend. This hybrid event will take place in 110 Dab (Treasure Room) in Dabney Hall, but participants can also join remotely via a Zoom link that will be available via the RSVP. Boxed lunches will be provided to participants who will be on campus.

RSVP Required. Please register by Monday, 2/27, if you want to receive a boxed lunch.. Click here to RSVP to this event.

The Classroom Collaborative series is organized and hosted by the HSS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. These informal events create opportunities for HSS instructors to learn from one another's successes and challenges in teaching.

For more information, please contact Susanne Hall by email at