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German Film: Die göttliche Ordnung

Thursday, December 6, 2018
7:30pm to 9:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
Movie screening for German 130c & 132c // In (Swiss) German with English subtitles

Die göttliche Ordnung "The Divine Order" // 2017 // Directed by Petra Volpe // Starring Marie Leuenberger and Maximilian Simonischek

1971 - the year the Swiss women finally got their right to vote on the Federal level. Not by a parliamentary decision – but through the result of a referendum - The last Canton to give universal suffrage was Appenzell in 1991! No easy task -

In most civilized countries, the women had the equal right to vote by 1971. Not in Switzerland. Traditions, fossilized attitudes and customary gender roles made the Swiss drag their feet. It took a referendum to change the laws, and the months leading up to the vote on that referendum are the backdrop of this film." Nora (Marie Leuenberger) is a quiet homemaker in a small village that remains untouched by the counterculture movements sweeping the globe. See how she and the women of Switzerland secured the right to vote. – "All it takes" is a few friends fighting for the same thing…

All interested are welcome!

NOTE FOR VISITORS: Enter South (Ramo) end of building across pond and walk up stairs – for elevators enter North end on "grass" side – Somebody will be there should doors be locked and direct you to the lecture hall.

For more information, please contact Fran Tise by phone at 626-395-3609 or by email at