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German Film: Atmen

Friday, November 2, 2018
7:30pm to 9:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
Movie screening for German 130c & 132c // In German with English subtitles

Atmen "Breathing" // 2012 // Directed by Karl Markovic

Zen masters teach: "Breathing opens the door to stop and look deeply in order to enter the domain of concentration and insight." For Roman Kogler (Thomas Schubert) in this notable film by Austrian actor/director Karl Markovics, Breathing is simply the means to avoid suffocating in a world that caused him so much grief already. It is the story of a sullen young man waging a lonely battle to recover his selfhood.

Abandoned by his mother Roman lived in an orphanage and spent the last five years in a juvenile-detention center for the killing of a bully. Distant to the point of mute, he does not know much about life outside his confinement. His world consists of reading travel magazines, smoking, sleeping, and swimming. All these endeavors done alone. To get out of detention, his parole officer tells him that he must retain a steady job. Fired from a tryout as a welder, he is hired as a trainee to become a mortuary attendant. His robot-like co-workers treat him shabbily. He hangs on, as he knows that this probably is his last chance for parole. Slowly, he learns how to perform better at his job and the negative attitudes of his co-workers become supportive. Beautifully shot. A great example of the new school of Viennese Social Realism. Here explored by Markovics. Deeply Satisfying. - Nominated for Best Foreign Film Oscar 2012

All interested are welcome!

NOTE FOR VISITORS: Enter South (Ramo) end of building across pond and walk up stairs – for elevators enter North end on "grass" side – Somebody will be there should doors be locked and direct you to the lecture hall.

For more information, please contact Fran Tise by phone at 626-395-3609 or by email at