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CNS Seminar

Monday, April 23, 2018
4:00pm to 5:30pm
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Beckman Behavioral Biology B180
Dr. Peyman Golshani, M.D., Assistant Professor, Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine,

Title: New tools to bridge the gap between synaptic physiology and behavior.

Abstract: We have developed a new generation of wire-free miniaturized microscopes to record network calcium dynamics from large ensembles of CA1 pyramidal neurons in freely behaving mice. These microscopes record imaging data to a microSD card on the microscope itself and are powered by low-weight batteries. We use these microscopes to record the activity of large ensembles of CA1 hippocampal neurons in mice behaving in large environments. We also use the microscopes to determine how the stability and precision of the place cell firing and ensemble coding are altered in a model of epilepsy with severe cognitive deficits. All tools developed will be available on our open-source wiki

For more information, please contact Minah Bereal by phone at ext. 8975 or by email at [email protected].