Chen Institute for Neuroscience Director's Seminar: Gerry Rubin
Please join us for a seminar with Gerry Rubin, from the Janelia Research Campus, as part of the Chen Institute for Neuroscience Director's Seminar Series on Monday, November 1, 2021, at 4:00PM PT in Chen 100.
Caltech COVID policies will apply to this event
Title: Generating and using wiring diagrams of brains: Lessons from the Drosophila connectome.
Abstract: I will describe efforts to map, at electron microscopic resolution, the wiring diagram of a complete Drosophila nervous system. From the perspective of science policy, I will point out striking parallels between this ongoing project and past projects to sequence complete genomes. I will give examples of biological insights gained from analyzing the Drosophila connectome and of the many ways connectomic information empowers neuroscience research.