Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Social Sciences Seminar
Baxter Lecture Hall
Screening with Persuasion
Stephen Morris,
Peter A. Diamond Professor of Economics,
Department of Economics,
Abstract: We consider a general nonlinear pricing environment with private information. The seller can control both the signal that the buyers receive about their value and the selling mechanism. We characterize the optimal menu and information structure that jointly maximize the seller's profits. The optimal screening mechanism has finitely many items even with a continuum of values. We identify sufficient conditions under which the optimal mechanism has a single item. Thus the seller decreases the variety of items below the efficient level as a by-product of reducing the information rents of the buyer.
For more information, please contact Barbara Estrada by phone at 626-395-4083 or by email at bestrada@hss.caltech.edu.