The Ethics of Scholarship
“The Duties of Historians [72 kb],” debate on review of Colorblind Injustice, H-POL
“Injustice and Scholarship” and “Responses to Commentaries,”[82 kb] in Social Science History 24 (2000), 415-21, 443-50. (symposium on Colorblind Injustice)
Remarks at the Lillian Smith Award Ceremony [59 kb], Southern Changes 21, #4 (Winter, 1999), 8-11.
“Ignoble Intentions and Noble Dreams: On Relativism and History with a Purpose,” [783 kb] in The Public Historian 15 (Summer, 1993), 15-28.
“Are Expert Witnesses Whores?,”[811 kb] The Public Historian, 6 (1984), 5-19. Reprinted in Theodore J. Karamanski, ed., Ethics & Public History: An Anthology (Malabar, FL: Krieger, 1990), 31-44.