Political History
"Toward 'Total Political History': A Rational Choice Research Program,"[8.5 mb] Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 20 (1990), 521-60.
“Origins of the Run-Off Primary,”[436 kb] The Black Scholar, 15 (September/October, 1984), 23-26.
“Are Political Acts Unnatural?,” [2.1 mb] The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 15 (1985), 467-80.
“‘New Political History:' Some Statistical Questions Answered” [1.1 mb] (with Allan J. Lichtman), Social Science History, 7 (1983), 321-44.
“Restoring Politics to Political History” [1.25 mb] Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 12 (Spring 1982), 569-95, reprinted in Robert I. Rotberg, ed., Politics and Political Change (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001), 19-46.
“History as Past Sociology in the Work of Samuel P. Hays: A Review Essay,” [545 kb] Historical Methods, 14 (Fall, 1981), 181-86.
“Turnout and Rural Corruption: New York as a Test Case” [723 kb] (with Gary W. Cox), American Journal of Political Science, 25 (November 1981), 646-63.