In Trade We Trust, Secretly
The seventh meeting of the Caltech Early Modern Group Treasure Room, Dabney Hall
California Institute of Technology February 28, 2014
8:30am Coffee and pastries
9:00am Steve Quinn (TCU), “Death of a Reserve Currency” (joint with William Roberds)
10:10am Tracy Dennison (Caltech), “The Institutional Framework of Serfdom in Russia: The View from 1861”
11:20am Greg O’Malley (UCSC), “Black Markets for Black Labor Pirates, Privateers, and Interlopers in the Early Dispersal of British Slavery” (Paper)
12:30-2:00pm Lunch in Dabney Gardens
2:00pm Juliette Levy (UCR), “A Comparative Approach to Capital Markets, Non-Bank Intermediaries, Information, and Trust” (joint with Christiaan Van Bochove) (Paper)
3:10pm Meng Zheng (UCLA), “Monopolistic Pricing and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: Evidence from a State-Owned Wine Enterprise in Twelfth-Century China”. (Paper)
4:20pm Francesca Trivellato (Yale), “The Organization of Trade in Europe and Asia, 1400-1800”
5:30pm End of formal proceedings
7:00pm Dinner at Mission 261 Restaurant (261 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel · 626-588-1666)